Regardless of our country of origin or residence, we all deserve a life full of dignity and the chance to realize our full potential. A stable home is the foundation for such a life – and the foundation for home, both literally and figuratively, is land. Unfortunately, many around the world are deprived of that foundation.
Solid Ground is Habitat for Humanity's global advocacy campaign that seeks to change laws, policies and attitudes around the world to increase access to land for shelter.
We’re calling you to help us change the world and ensure dignity for all! Join the Solid Ground campaign. Share a 15-second video to be part of making a global impact.
How? It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Choose from any or all of the four topics listed below.
Film a 15-second video about the topic(s). Pictures and images are welcome, too.
Post your video or image to Instagram, tagging it with @JoinSolidGround and the hashtag #15toSolidGround.
1: Why do you believe in gender equality?
Regardless of gender, race, religion, creed and age, we are all part of the human race. Unfortunately, many women around the world are currently denied the right to land. Stand with women around the world and use your voice for equality in property rights.
Film a 15-second video that shows that you stand up for gender equality. Pictures and images are welcome, too.
Need inspiration?
- What would it feel like to not be able to own your own home because of your gender?
- Consider starting your video with “I want to see gender and property rights on solid ground.”
- Speak a different language? Say “Solid Ground” or “Gender equality” in that language.
2: What does having a home mean to you?
Home should be a place where we feel safe. An invisible yet critical part of a home is the right to live in it. Everyone needs the peace of mind of knowing that they can’t be thrown out of their home without warning or recourse. Unfortunately, many people are deprived of secure tenure, and therefore subject to eviction. We need you to join in the fight for a world where everyone can feel safe at home.
Film a 15-second video that shows that you stand up for secure tenure. Pictures and images are welcome, too.
Need inspiration?
- What might eviction or homelessness feel like?
- Consider starting your video with “People should feel they are on solid ground when it comes to their right live to where they live.”
- Speak a different language? Say “Solid Ground” or “End unjust evictions” in that language.
3: What would it feel like to live in a slum?
People all around the world have dreams and hopes, but too many of us could be held back because of where we live. Life in slums is a daily struggle and can make realizing our life goals much more difficult. Can you imagine a ‘home’ with holes in the walls, no bathroom, kitchen, water, electrical power or internet inside? This is what home is to too many people around the world. Together we have the power to see a world without slums.
Film a 15-second video that shows that you stand up for slum upgrading. Pictures and images are welcome, too.
Need inspiration?
- How might we improve the lives of people living in slums?
- Consider starting your video with “I want to see a world without slums.”
- Speak a different language? Say “Solid Ground” or “No more slums” in that language.
4: How can survivors of disasters best return home?
Take a moment to think about a disaster that recently impacted your country or a country near yours. Disasters occur every year and damage homes and displace residents. We all know that prevention is critical as are carefully developed plans for recovery. As millennials, we can advocate for disaster prevention and recovery to help those in disaster-prone areas have a greater chance to survive and thrive.
Film a 15-second video that shows that you believe in disaster recovery. Photos and images are welcome, too.
Need inspiration?
- How can you help people affected by disasters?
- Consider starting your video with “I want to see a world where everyone can return to solid ground after a disaster.”
- Speak a different language? Consider saying “Solid Ground” or “Disaster resilience” in that language
Terms and Conditions
By submitting your entry:
- You represent and warrant that: (a) you are at least 13 years of age and, if you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian has agreed to these terms where indicated; (b) your entry is your original work and/or you have properly licensed all content in your entry; (c) you have permission from all identifiable people who appear in your entry; and (d) your entry does not violate or infringe the rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, copyright, trademark and the rights of privacy and publicity.
- You grant to Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. and its designees the perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right to: (a) exhibit, display, publicly perform, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of or otherwise use your entry (or portions of your entry) for any purpose, in any media; and (b) use your name, nickname, likeness, biographical information, city of residence, statements and any other identifying indicia (collectively, “Likeness”) in connection with your entry, this promotion and Habitat for Humanity.
- You release and hold harmless Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. and its affiliated entities from and against any claims, demands, damages, judgments or liability of any kind, directly or indirectly related to or arising out of your participation in this promotion and/or Habitat for Humanity’s use of your entry and your Likeness.
If entrant is under the age of 18, his/her parent or legal guardian must agree to the following:
I confirm that I am the legal guardian of the entrant. I agree to the terms of this promotion on behalf of the entrant and I will not permit the entrant to disavow these terms.