Today, Job’s cheerful face and deep respect for people belie the hardships that he, his siblings, and mother had to endure.

The kitchen (right), in which Job's family of eleven sheltered before getting a house.
“Our future changed when my mum heard about Habitat for Humanity at a church meeting,” Job said.
Habitat for Humanity Uganda runs a program for orphans and children and their caregivers made vulnerable by war, disability, or disease. Running in the Mayuge and Kumi districts in eastern Uganda and Kiryandongo in western Uganda, the program provides a decent place to live along with support and vocational training.
The Habitat Uganda homes come complete with a rain water harvesting and storage system, and a ventilated improved pit-latrine (VIP) attached to a shower stall.
Habitat Uganda’s vocational training program is a crucial component in the success of its work. One family member is taught a trade to help ensure the family’s economic sustainability. In Job’s case, he was selected and trained as a carpenter.
“I earn enough money to help mum pay school fees, and buy books and uniforms for my six siblings,” he says. In a good month, Job earns as much as US$50 from making beds, stools and coffee tables. That goes a long way in paying the US$90 tuition for three semesters.
Job has also earned his fellow villagers’ trust and respect in a number of ways.
“They come to me because I work professionally and deliver on time. And, my rates are affordable,” he stated.
Job is also willing to share his skills. He is teaching six of his friends in the village simple carpentry skills. As he watched 20-year old Makoma Wamuzi plane wood by hand, he said “I want them to succeed and live better. This would be a boost for our village.”
With the help of his uncle, Job’s family has recently installed solar panels to light the home when it gets dark. The children can now study longer. And, Job’s mother says “It’s better and safer for the children. And we no longer have to worry about buying as much kerosene for the lamp.”
Solar power also gives Job more flexibility in his work. “I can work from morning until six in the evening, take a break to wash up and have dinner, and then go back to my work bench under the lights.”
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