global impact

Annual Report FY2018
Measuring Habitat's effect: individuals served around the world and financial statements

Metal triangle ruler on plywood.

A commitment to global stewardship

Thanks to the generous support of our donors and partners, fiscal year 2018 was one of the strongest in Habitat for Humanity International’s history. This success allows Habitat to serve more families and communities around the world as we work toward our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Overall revenue was US$350 million, a 
37 percent overall increase from the prior year. In addition, we received US$34.7 million in grant advances, which will be recognized as revenue in future periods as eligible expenses are incurred. This increase in revenue was driven, in large part, from an extraordinary donor response to our Habitat Hammers Back initiative to repair and restore communities impacted by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. We also continued to grow our programs in the areas of housing microfinance and other lending solutions, as well as exploring additional new technologies available to build more sustainable and less expensive housing solutions for the families with whom we partner.

On the expense side, we remain committed stewards of the financial resources entrusted to us. Our programs accounted for 78 percent of our total expenses, as we were able to transfer over US$108 million in cash and donated product to our affiliates and national organizations around the world. Overall, expenses increased by 9 percent compared with the prior year. Significant funding received this year will continue to be used in the next few years to rebuild homes and infrastructure in the areas of Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico that were hardest hit by the devastating hurricane season that was experienced in 2017.

These metrics put Habitat in a strong position to be able to continue to serve families and achieve our strategic plan. We will continue to grow and diversify the organization’s funding, expand and deepen the available ways we serve our target populations, and build reserves and capacity to weather economic changes. We thank you for your continued support of our mission.

Michael E. Carscaddon, Executive Vice President, Administration and Chief Financial Officer, Habitat for Humanity International

where we built

Habitat for Humanity was active in more than 70 countries in FY2018.

Map of world showing countries Habitat was active in.

FY2018 summary ofindividuals served

Habitat’s strategic plan looks at the number of individuals impacted by our work. We report our work as a mix of households and individuals. To present our figures as individuals, we multiply by five the number of households served by our international work, and by four (or by two for repairs) the number of households served by our work in the U.S. and Canada.
United States & Canada
New & rehab construction 1 18,180
Repairs 2 16,260
Total 34,440
Latin America & the Caribbean
New & rehab construction 31,270
Incremental construction 3 28,255
Repairs 59,210
Professional services 4 35,055
Market development 5 1,931,415
Total 2,085,205
Europe, Middle East & Africa
New & rehab construction 11,720
Incremental construction 151,695
Repairs 25,220
Professional services 42,770
Market development 1,569,450
Total 1,800,855
Asia & the Pacific
New & rehab construction 26,145
Incremental construction 66,185
Repairs 16,160
Professional services 176,950
Market development 6 4,511,350
Total 4,796,790
Notes and definitions
1. New and rehab construction
New houses are 100 percent newly constructed and meet Habitat for Humanity quality standards and local building codes. Rehabs are restorations of houses that once met Habitat’s standards and local building codes but needed major, usually structural, work to bring them back to these standards and codes.
2. Repairs
Minor restoration, such as patching roofs or walls or replacing materials in houses that still meet Habitat’s quality standards and local building codes.
3. Incremental construction
An intervention that fully addresses one or more of the five Habitat for Humanity quality standards:
  • adequate size
  • durable construction
  • secure land tenure rights
  • access to adequate amounts of clean water
  • proper sanitation
4. Professional services
Preconstruction advice or design services provided directly by Habitat professionals to the household, for specific construction projects.
5. Market development
Individuals served with better housing through the private sector as a result of a Habitat program.
6. Figure includes 3,152,640 individuals served through the Sensitise to Sanitise coalition in which Habitat India is playing a prominent role.

Habitat for Humanity International FY2018consolidated finances

Habitat for Humanity International’s auditors have expressed an unqualified opinion on our June 30, 2018, consolidated financial statements. Those financial statements include associated notes that are essential to understanding the information presented herein.

The full set of statements and notes is available for download.

All figures presented are in thousands of dollars.

Consolidated statements of financial position

As of June 30
  FY 2018 FY 2017 $ change % change
Cash and cash equivalents $103,741 $75,566 $28,175 37%
Investments at fair value $98,562 $44,643 $53,919 121%
Receivables $159,812 $133,087 $26,725 20%
Other assets $24,001 $15,321 $8,680 57%
Total assets $386,116 $268,617 $117,499 44%
Liabilities and net assets
  FY 2018 FY 2017 $ change % change
Total liabilities $155,492 $115,851 $39,641 34%
Net assets
Unrestricted $97,459 $54,246 $43,213 80%
Temporarily restricted $130,595 $96,054 $34,541 36%
Permanently restricted $2,570 $2,466 $104 4%
Total net assets $230,624 $152,766 $77,858 51%
Total liabilities and net assets $386,116 $268,617 $117,499 44%

Consolidated statements of activities and changes in total net assets

Year ended June 30
Revenues and gains
  FY 2018 FY 2017 $ change % change
Contributions $240,152 $157,280 $82,872 53%
Donations in-kind $54,690 $36,991 $17,699 48%
Government grants $16,235 $16,598 $(363) -2%
Other income, net $38,858 $44,825 $(5,967) -13%
Total revenues and gains $349,935 $255,694 $94,241 37%
  FY 2018 FY 2017 $ change % change
Program services
U.S. affiliates $117,432 $109,245 $8,187 7%
International affiliates $68,781 $61,626 $7,155 12%
Public awareness and education $28,047 $25,666 $2,381 9%
Total program services $214,260 $196,537 $17,723 9%
Supporting services
Fundraising $45,480 $42,819 $2,661 6%
Management and general $12,966 $12,502 $464 4%
Total supporting services $58,446 $55,321 $3,125 6%
Total expenses $272,706 $251,858 $20,848 8%
Losses (recoveries) on contributions receivable $90 $(189) $279 -148%
Total expenses and losses on contributions receivable $272,796 $251,669 $21,127 8%
Change in net assets $77,139 $4,025 $73,114 1,816%

Consolidated financial information

Source of funds
Contributions $240,152 68%
Government grants $16,235 5%
Donated product $54,690 16%
Other income $38,858 11%
Total revenue $349,935  
Use of funds
Program - U.S. affiliates $117,432 43%
Program - international affiliates $68,781 25%
Program - public awareness and advocacy $28,047 10%
Total programs $214,260 78%
Fundraising $45,480 17%
Management and general $12,966 5%
Total expenses $272,706  

Combined finances

The audited financial statements of Habitat for Humanity International reflect only part of Habitat’s work around the world. As autonomous nonprofit organizations, Habitat for Humanity affiliates and national organizations keep their own records of revenues and expenditures. To better demonstrate the magnitude of the movement, Habitat for Humanity International annually compiles combined (unaudited) financial amounts for Habitat for Humanity in total.

For the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2017, we estimated the total impact of the entire Habitat for Humanity mission was as follows:

Total revenue of $2 billion
Total net assets of $3 billion
FY2017 Source of funds
Contributions and grants $685 million 35%
Donated product $509 million 26%
Sales of homes $536 million 27%
Other income $225 million 12%
FY2017 Use of funds
Program $1.6 billion 85%
Fundraising $131 million 7%
Management and general $151 million 8%