At-home Habitat activities for kids
Entertain and inspire the kids in your life while showing support for Habitat for Humanity’s mission to make housing affordable with these family-friendly activities.
Habitat for Humanity coloring sheets
Break out the crayons or markers and follow the journey of our coloring book star, Hugh Manatee, as he builds affordable homes with his animal friends.
Print your coloring sheets
Just print the coloring sheets and let your children’s creativity fill in the rest!
Habitat works together with families, local communities, volunteers and partners from around the world so that more people are able to live in affordable and safe homes.
Use Hugh’s journey to talk to your kids about what it would be like to help someone build something so important!
Paper houses
Start a discussion with your kids about home and what home means to them. While you do, have your kids create their own paper houses.
Print your paper house
Print our template for your kids to color and decorate their very own house. Then have your children write what home means to them on their paper house.
But don’t stop there — after completing your house, share it! Take a picture, post it to social media, and tag an elected official and @habitatvoices on X to let everyone know how important housing is to you.
Habitat’s advocacy efforts focus on policy reform to remove systemic barriers preventing low-income and historically underserved families from accessing adequate, affordable shelter. Add you and your child’s voice through this activity!
Community walking bingo
Habitat and our volunteers and homeowners work hard to strengthen communities worldwide. We want to help you identify strengths in your own community!
Print your bingo card
This family-friendly game of bingo allows you to get outside, get some exercise and see your community though a new lens.
Once you have a row complete, post a picture on social media and share your thoughts about the importance of housing and of keeping communities strong!