Country facts:
- Capital city – Maseru
- Population – 2.3 million
- Life expectancy – 53 years
- Unemployment rate – 18%
- Below poverty line – 37.4%
* International poverty line of US$2.15 (World Bank)
Find more country facts on: CIA The World Factbook – Lesotho
Habitat Facts
- Habitat started in Lesotho in 2001.
- Individuals served in FY2022 – 1,370
- Through new construction – 480
- Through incremental construction – 605
- Through repairs – 285
- Volunteers engaged in FY2022 – 14
The housing need in Lesotho
Lesotho is one of the least developed countries in the world. The poverty level is estimated to have remained high at 34.7% in 2022, according to the World Bank. The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Lesotho is 25% in the adult population (15-49 years), the second highest in the world. As a result, 27% of children under the age of 18 are orphans.
In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions have worsened the vulnerability of these groups.
Most housing structures in Lesotho are made of mud, stones or sticks, and poorly ventilated due to the absence of windows. These houses are not secure due to poor quality doors and a lack of proper locks. Land ownership disputes related to inheritance rights often lead to vulnerable people losing their inheritance or their property through land grabs.
How Habitat addresses the need
Serving vulnerable groups
Habitat Lesotho build two-room homes with safe sanitation facilities with vulnerable groups such as orphans, older adults and people with disabilities. We completed 51 new homes in fiscal year 2023. We also advocate for land tenure security and initiate ownership processes for vulnerable households to ensure they legally own the land before the home is built. All future homeowners help to build their own home through collecting water, gathering locally available materials such as stones and other construction activities under the close guidance of a building supervisor. Future homeowners are further empowered through training in personal hygiene, home maintenance, inheritance rights and security of tenure to guard against property grabbing and disinheritance.
In FY2023, more than 1,600 people went through inheritance and property rights training. The knowledge gained has sparked an increase in the number of wills registered through various Habitat projects. In addition, we provided 44 energy-efficient stoves and solar lighting and rehabilitated three water systems.
Habitat Lesotho advocates on behalf of vulnerable groups by disseminating information about property and inheritance rights and security of tenure and by hosting call in radio programs to raise awareness of these topics. We also provide training in property and
inheritance rights as well as security of tenure to vulnerable households and local community members with the aim of reducing unlawful evictions, property grabbing and/or disinheritance.
What you can do
Please visit and select “Designate your donation” to donate to Habitat Lesotho.
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Habitat for Humanity Lesotho, Alliance Park, 4 Bowker Road, Maseru or email Interim National Director Thapelo Tseko: [email protected]