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  • Habitat started in Chile in 2002.
  • Individuals served in FY2022 –    2,295
    • Through market development –   1,575
    • Through rehab –   720
  • Volunteers engaged in FY2022 –   54


Capital city -- Santiago
Population -- 19.9 million

Life expectancy81.4 years
Unemployment rate -- 8.4%
Below poverty line10.9%

The housing need in Chile

Chile is a land of contrasts in terms of its beautiful and diverse landscapes, the cultural richness of its indigenous people, and the variety of immigrants who have enriched its history, cuisines, and culture. But the main contrasts are seen in the major socio-economic disparities that affect its population, which become very evident in terms of housing access and quality, and healthcare.  

Due to socio-environmental disasters such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires, Chile is a country in permanent reconstruction. It has much to learn to better face nature’s challenges and reduce constant vulnerability.

How Habitat addresses the need

“Our Children Return Home” project

Coping with the illness of a son or daughter is more difficult if the place where we live is not adequate and we cannot provide the protection they need. Under the Nuestros hijos vuelven a casa orOur Children Return Home” program, we build rooms and make home improvements so that sick children can be at home with their families during these difficult times.

Disaster response

Habitat Chile works in partnership with other organizations in response to the different socio-environmental disasters the country faces. We develop toolkits and build core houses, among others, to help affected families and communities.

High-rise extensions

In the 1980s, thousands of affordable housing units were built to counter the major housing deficit during that time. Thousands of families became owners of apartments that range from 387.5 to 409 square feet in size. Since the units are in high-rise buildings, the living space cannot be easily extended safely and harmoniously.

Habitat Chile and other stakeholders have been able to change the lives of these families by making high-rise extensions, which increase each apartment’s space and improve the buildings’ quality and architecture.

What you can do


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Under the Global Village program, builds have resumed in select locations in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Please visit for more information and updates.


Habitat affiliates in the U.S. support the international work through an annual tithe. For additional information, email [email protected] or contact your local Habitat organization.


Habitat for Humanity Chile. General Bustamante Nº 26 , Floor 7, Santiago
+56 9 838 33 854     Email: [email protected]     Website:

Facebook: habitatparalahumanidadchile   Instagram: HábitatChile      X:HabitatChile



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